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Saturday 17 September 2022

Nifty Things I'm Never Going to Make [Pt 5]

Nifty Things I'm Never Going to Make
Never say never, but probably not...
The list of things that I'm (likely) never going to make keeps getting longer and longer.
Today's featured crafter runs a YouTube channel that only debuted in February 2020, but has since made a splash with her focus on sustainability and creativity.

Estadistica Datos del Mundo (which translates into Statistics World Data according to Google Translate) is run by a woman named Ulyana from Spain. She has other talents, as I discovered her a while back when I stumbled upon a video on how to change out a duvet cover easily. ( If you've ever been frustrated by that task, I recommend giving it a looksee.)

It led me to check out her channel and I was pleasantly surprised to see that most of her other videos dealt with sewing.

In the interests of avoiding future 404s, I will not be providing any hotlinks to the YouTube channel or the actual projects. There is, however, sufficient information here for you to search and find everything.

2-in-1 Backpack Towel For Training, Beach Or Pool

Every kid going off to the pool or beach can use one of these practical little items. This is a simple drawstring sling backpack with an integrated towel.

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

The design includes an exterior pocket for storage, but of course, once it's drawn up, the whole thing becomes a bag that can hold stuff.

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

This video tutorial was uploaded June 7, 2022 and can be found by searching for the heading title text above.

Towel Bag for the Beach

I was fascinated by this when I saw it. It's not unlike the previous integrated towel backpack in terms of straight utility, but it's much more sophisticated looking. (It also sports an exterior pocket for carrying other essentials.)
Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

If you want to carry an awesome bag to the beach that can roll out and double as a towel, be sure to check out this design. You can see more clearly here how it cinches up at both ends. (I'm sure that having some pretty fabric like this also makes the finished item so much more appealing.)

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

To find this tutorial (that was uploaded May 10, 2022), search for "Make This Easy Towel Bag For The Beach / Sewing Trick For Beginners" on YouTube.

With either of these bags, I would make a simple zippered pouch out of matching fabrics to hold small belongings that would otherwise be just out in the open once these towels are opened up. 

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Reuse Your Towels In Bath Rug / Do It Yourself Braided Rug

Can you tell I've got a theme going here with towels? This one is a recycle that I would love to do if I had a need for a bath mat. On the other hand, while I have old towels aplenty, I wonder if I'd have the the patience to do this.     

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

Braiding strips of old towels and turning them into a mat is super creative, all in all. This was actually the first I'd seen of this idea, although it's apparently not new.

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

To find this tutorial, do a search on the heading text above. The video was uploaded June 5, 2022.

Floral Door Stop

Now I'm done with the towels. This next project is almost too pretty for its job. Several years ago, I was looking for a solution to hold open the back door at Mom's place. The bottom of the door was a couple of inches off the inside floor, so we needed something substantial.

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

This would have been the perfect thing to make for her. Unfortunately, the need no longer exists and any of my doors that are required to be held open can be done with those utilitarian rubber thingies. 

These are filled with sand, in case you're wondering.

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

You can find this tutorial by searching for "How to Make a Door Holder in Flower Design". The video was uploaded June 23, 2021.

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Therapeutic Shoulder Wrap

My other half has aches and pains that he often alleviates with heat treatment. He has these "bean bag" things that he heats up in the microwave for that purpose. If he didn't already have several of them, I'd be making this for him.

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

That said, all of his are straight-edged rectangular sacks, not a structured item. For filler, this one uses rice, wheat, barley and flax seed. (Other fillers provide fragrance if desired.)      

Estadistica Datos del Mundo
image courtesy of Estadistica Datos del Mundo...

A similar project was submitted to AllFreeSewing many years ago ("Spa Day Comfort Pack") but the pattern — because it was just regular images embedded within the instructions — was difficult for users to download and print. If by chance you saw it then and wanted to make one but wasn't up to the challenge, here's your opportunity to try another approach.

You can find the video by searching for "therapeutic cushion or sack with wheat seeds and lavender flowers is a heat or cold therapy". The tutorial was uploaded November 4, 2021.

Hope you've enjoyed this latest installment of things that I'll probably never make... there's sure to be more to come.

'Til next...


  1. We all probably have those creative projects we have studied and viewed online or in books and magazines that spark "that would be fun", but those of us with age and wisdom know our limits and realize them for what they are...fun and whimsical but not to become reality in our craft room. I currently have put aside sewing for paper craft play and although I view junk journals as eye candy, they are not my goal. I will however be practicing some of the new to me art skills and fashioning a few themed signatures for small journals for gifts. I am also diving back into watercolor practice based on a new teacher. Eventually, when the weather really changes I will return to some creative sewing. Enjoy your season transition and keep exploring.


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