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Saturday 22 August 2020

Which Comes First: Project or Fabric?

Which comes first for you?
Here's a fun take on the chicken or egg question for sewers.

When you feel like sewing, what's the first step for you: look for a project that you want to make or take out a piece of fabric that you want to make something with?

That is, are you "project first" or "fabric first"? Me, I'm usually project first.

It's why I sometimes take forever to make something... I get stuck on what fabric to use. Not only that, because I don't generally have large swaths of conventional fabric at my disposal, I usually have to make some concessions in how it's allocated. (And in recent weeks, I've discovered that I'm not alone in that situation... we don't all have substantial fabric stashes!)

Custom Seth Bag crafted by eSheep Designs
Customized Seth ...
Take my Seth bag. I bought the pattern because I liked the style of the bag; I had no inkling what fabric would eventually be used for the project.

In the end, I combined three different fabrics to make the exterior.

Earlier this year, I made a custom Goddess of the Sea bag. In that case, I had already decided that it was high time to make a purse out of my P&P fabric... I had just been waiting for the right pattern. Doesn't happen often, but that one was "fabric first".

Custom Goddess of the Sea Bag crafted by eSheep Designs
Customized Goddess of the Sea...
Going all the way back to day one of this sewing journey that I embarked on in late 2012, I saw something that I wanted to make — the Professional Tote — and then literally took weeks rounding up fabric for it.

A quick glance around my sewing room is proof enough that I am normally inspired by seeing a project first.

As you ponder the question for yourself, let me take a closer look at my collection of finished projects to see if there have been many exceptions.

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Here's one.

From my care package of fabric, there was one selection that had a definite "kitchen" theme. Obviously, it wasn't destined for a bag or a shirt... at least not in my world.

After turning some of it into CD coaster/mug rugs, I decided to use a large piece as the main side of a dining table topper, which we were in need of at the time.

Fabric meant for the kitchen or dining room...

To this day, these items sit on top of our dining table and are used at every meal. With the last piece of any appreciable size, I also made a matching table runner.

Clearly, the fabric's print/pattern has a role to play in this chicken/egg discussion. I'm also guessing that those who frequent fabric shops may also be more likely to say "fabric first". When something catches your eye in the store, you may immediately have an idea of what you want to make with it.

That could explain my tendencies towards "project first"; I rarely step foot into fabric stores.

Here's a project that I made several months ago and had asked my hubby to select the fabric (from two that I had picked out). It's another Fritz Frog for a new baby in the extended family.

Fritz the Second...

The other half thinks it's even better than my original. (The fabric is a selection from the Ann Kelle Remix Metallic collection by Robert Kaufman.)

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People who mainly sew clothes might also be "fabric first". For them, it could be that seeing a particular fabric makes them think, "I want to make a [jacket/dress/shirt] out of that".

This was the case when I purchased a full yard of my P&P fabric in sport lycra. The fabric was on sale, there was also a free shipping component, and it was my thought to make something that I could wear out of it. It first turned into my quick sew kimono.

Pride & Prejudice Kimino Inspired Jacket by eSheep Designs

Quick sew kimono-inspired jacket...

Remnants later became a belt (also "fabric first") and some fingerless crafting gloves ("project first").

Which leads me to another exception(s): all of my chiffon fabric purchases were made with the intention of turning them into scarves.

But it occurs to me that both of the above examples involve my own fabrics. If I hadn't designed them, would I have been buying them with those purposes in mind?

Probably no. So I remain mostly project first. How about you?

'Til next...


  1. Most of the time I choose the project first. A few times I looked at a fabric and then wondered what I could make using that fabric. As a bag tester, when I first receive the photos of what the bag I will test, I start thinking about the fabrics that might look good in that style of bag and even before I receive the pattern for testing the bag, I have chosen my fabrics. I have purchased fabric that I love with no idea what I will make from it (a bag, a quilt, clothing, etc), but all fabric will eventually get used.

  2. Project first for me. Like Daryl, I will buy fabric because I like it, but never really know exactly what I'll do with it. The 'right' project always comes along.


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