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Saturday, 6 May 2017

Wanna Buy My "Handmade" Chair?

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
I truly never knew this nondescript fabric of mine
would look so designer-y on a chair!
It'll only cost you $469 USD.

What's more, the shipping is free... only to the US, however, which is actually the only place where these humongously heavy things β€” I would imagine β€” can be shipped at present.

I hadn't been paying the strictest attention when Spoonflower announced its partnership with Roostery last year, to bring to life certain types of home decor products made out of Spoonflower fabric. While I recall opting in to having my product line be featured in other marketplaces (including the likes of Etsy, eBay and Amazon), I didn't investigate any further... until a couple of weeks ago, when we were massively snowed on for two consecutive weekends (in the latter part of April), resulting in a bit of cabin fever on my part.

Upon digging around Spoonflower, I noticed that some designers showed an option for a pillow β€” made out of their fabric β€” being sold via roostery. So of course, had to check that out!

Within a few minutes, my own shop was up and running.

eSheep Designs' roostery shop
image from my roostery shop...

At roostery.com, you can purchase ready-made pillows, napkins (both with two styles to choose from), tea towels and placemats, all featuring custom fabrics from Spoonflower. They also sell wallpaper, although that one's a puzzler since Spoonflower already sells two kinds of wallpaper.

As indicated at the top of this post, the chairs β€” and there are two styles of those too β€” can only be shipped to US addresses. The one shown above is called a Maran Slipper Chair. Fabric is Handmade with Love in gray, one of my very first fabric designs.

This one here is the Venda Sloped Arm Chair, shown in my Sunrays fabric, another of my first designs.

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Venda chair in my Sunrays fabric...

Is it shameless of me to say how much I LOVE this? The fabric by itself has never popped out at me, but seriously, if anyone south of the border wants to bestow a gift on me β€” and somehow ship it up here β€” this would be it!

Mind you, you'd have to think me worthy of spending five hundred-some-odd USD on, but you never know, right? Price for a Venda actually varies from $515 (Eco Canvas) to $525 (Linen-Cotton Canvas) to $535 (Faux Suede). Hmmm... faux suede.

On the more affordable side of things, this is a Sherama square throw pillow (19" x 19"), priced from $38 to $44, in fabrics from Silky Faille, Eco Canvas, Organic Cotton Sateen, Linen-Cotton Canvas, to Faux Suede. Oh and the actual pillow insert sells separately (β—”_β—”) for $8 extra! (Er... maybe they should call these pillow cases.)

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Sherama pillow in my Floral Chain (Eggplant) fabric...

The fabric in this case (Floral Chain) has never before been unveiled; it's part of my Psychedelia collection, in a colour combo called Eggplant. I've never sampled the design, so it's not actually available for sale. But I like how it looks, so next time I order up a sampler, it might be one to include.

The other pillow/case β€” a knife edge style β€” is called Catalan and measures 18" x 18". Prices range from $35 to $41, plus $8 again if you want the insert included.

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Catalan pillow in my Winter in the City (Night) fabric...

The fabric here β€” Winter in the City (Night) β€” has garnered some actual sales for me. However, beyond the original samples, I don't own any of it myself. It's always been one of my favourites, but I just don't know what to make with it.

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What's the cheapest item? Cocktail napkins! Called Frizzle-Cloth, you can get a set of four of them (10" x 10" each) for $26 to $28, depending on your choice of fabric, Organic Cotton Sateen or Linen-Cotton Canvas.

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Cocktail napkins in my Ode to Mondrian (or ode to the Partridge Family bus) fabric...

This particular fabric β€” Ode to Mondrian β€” has never been sampled either. (And yes, it was due to the Partridge Family bus that I came to know the artist Piet Mondrian.)

You can also purchase a set of Amarela-Cloth dinner napkins, which are the bigger ones at 20" x 20". A set of four will set you back anywhere from $46 to $48.

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Dinner napkins in Smile (Bluesia) fabric...

Also part of my largely unsampled Psychedelia collection, the above fabric is called Smile and the colour combo is bluesia (i.e., blue & fuchsia).

Again, not sure why they sell more wallpaper at roostery, but here you go. Their Isobar wallpaper is priced at β€” whoa β€” $180 for a double roll, 24" x 27'. (It's been awhile since I hung wallpaper, but that strikes me as really high end pricing!)

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Isobar wallpaper in my Strips 'n' Stripes (Blanche) design...

The design is again from my Psychedelia collection, in a colour combo called Blanche. (Which does not refer to blanche as in French for white, but as in Blanche Devereaux, one of the Golden Girls in the sitcom that ran from the mid-80s to early 90s. She wore an outfit with those colours in one episode. Haven't I expressed before that inspiration can come from the oddest places?)

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Want to wipe your dishes in style? A set of two Orpington-Linen tea towels, each 16" x 24" in Linen-Cotton Canvas, with a hanging loop incorporated into a corner, sells for $34.

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Tea towels in my Blooming 1 fabric...

These tea towels feature another of my previously unseen fabrics from my as yet unveiled Ice collection, so named for the shades of blue and grey that all of the designs have in common. This one is called Blooming 1.

To round out your kitchen decor, how about a set of four placemats? Cost for these 13" x 19" table toppers in Eco Canvas, Organic Cotton Sateen or Linen-Cotton Canvas ranges from $50 to $54.

Roostery Custom Products made with eSheep Designs Fabric
Placemats in my Stars On fabric...

The Stars On fabric is also part of the Ice collection.

Obviously, I design more fabric than I know what to do with, but roostery has sure been helpful in allowing me to see how the designs appear in context with real life items. For instance, I've always had an issue with my designs running bigger than I intend them to be. How handy is it that this virtual, visual marketplace allows me to see exactly how big a pattern is by splashing it all over something like a chair?

Don't you think that's really ultra cool?

In terms of the other products sold by roostery, I would really recommend β€” from one crafter to another β€” that you buy the fabric directly from Spoonflower and make your own. Along with the ideas from this post of mine earlier this year, you should have no shortage of inspiration.

Maybe you can even upholster a chair!

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