
Saturday, 28 December 2024

A Look Back at a Year of Blogging/Not Blogging

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
Find what fuels you in life...
Is everyone happy to be done with this past week? (I know I am!)

As I look back on and bid adieu to 2024, one thing that I can definitely say is that it's been a different sort of year than the previous ten.

Twelve months ago, I signed off here without knowing when I'd be back. After a decade of uploading a new blog post every Saturday, I was about to embark on a new phase of not doing so.

What the phase would involve in terms of what I'd be doing was a mystery, but I gave myself permission to do nothing, if that had been my desire.

What ended up here was six months' worth of focus on a junk journal project, which involved a little bit of sewing, so it wasn't totally off topic.

The Journal

The journal itself has become part of my daily routine throughout this past year, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. It's also grown in girth, moving even beyond its original jumbo size; the cover closure no longer overlaps.

Jumbo Junk Journal by eSheep Designs
Getting even bigger...

In September, I filled up my first notebook and progressed into a second, which was easily threaded into place inside the back cover. (Our motor association travel magazine provides a vast array of images to tear out and paste onto the covers of these basic dollar store notebooks.)

Jumbo Junk Journal by eSheep Designs
Old notebook filled up (insets); new notebook in place...

On a regular basis, I flip through the notebook portion and transcribe the most memorable quotations into the main body of the journal. (Some are scattered throughout this post; I hope you find meaning in them as I have.) The more time goes by, the truer it is that we are only here for a (relatively) short while. It's a blessing to be able to find what your passion is and to able to give your time to its fulfillment.

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
Fulfillment can be achieved a little bit at a time...

Oh, and although I am of a mind that this journal should be mostly reserved for uplifting content, I did think it worthwhile to include this little gem from one of my favourite literary characters.

Jumbo Junk Journal by eSheep Designs
Jane Austen was remarkably worldly for her age...

While this quote has been applicable throughout the decades since it was originally written, I find it especially true now with the prevalence and general acceptance of fake personas cultivated by people with ulterior motives. (Be smart about who – and what – you choose to trust... especially in the age of AI.)

The Bags

Giving Away What We Make
A coat tree that exists just for my bags...
A little over a year ago, I also wrote about giving away what we make.

It was an accounting of the problem that we sewers commonly have, of making things that are difficult to sell and in many cases, just as hard to give away.

Yes, we can gift things, but unless we are very knowledgeable about the recipient, it may not end up being a welcome or usable gift. (And as I've said, before, it's not always the thought that counts!)

In this post, I listed nine of the bags that I've made through the years and made them available to any takers, provided that shipping costs were covered by the recipient.

You may be curious as to how it turned out, so here's a little update.

Right after the posting, I received two requests from a couple of regular readers. Those orders were fulfilled in the early part of 2024 without any major issue. (I did learn, however, that there always seems to be a lineup at the post office outlets near where I live, despite Canada Post's ongoing troubles.)

eSheep Designs bag giveaway
Messenger bag has a new owner...

It wasn't until August that I had the opportunity to winnow this collection down further. Hubby and I reconnected with some extended family members, one of whom is a young lady I haven't seen since she was twelve.

Once we established that there was an interest, she selected matching bags for herself and her sister: the Betz White Flight Bag and the modified Dubstepper messenger. I've always considered them both highly functional and the customized messenger is a great choice for a student.

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
Life is short... fill it with things you love doing!

Oftentimes, there is just no better feeling than knowing that something you made is being appreciated and used by someone! (Oh, and if anyone is interested in the others, this offer still remains in effect, although my ability to mail anything might be questionable for some time yet, what with our postal service still being backlogged after their recent work stoppage.)

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The Internet

So how did I feel about blogging and being online this past year?

Well, there was a definite lack of pressure, which is a good thing. (I think that posting once every three weeks or so is manageable for the immediate future.) I appreciate the opportunity to continue writing, period, as it's a pastime that rejuvenates me and keeps me sharp.

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
The world needs more hard workers and fewer blowhards...

As for the other part of that question, I purposely avoided consuming a lot of social media interactions in 2024, having seen how even the comment section on seemingly innocuous news stories can explode into vile arguments for no apparent reason.

brain rot - Oxford University's Word for 2024
Image courtesy of Oxford University...
No, the world is not getting better, regardless of any desire of mine for it to be so. I've said what I can and continue to do what I can, but no more extended soapboxing or grandstanding for me here either.

On the brighter side of things, Australia gets a fist pump from me for having the gumption to set a world-first law by preventing kids under 16 from accessing social media. Getting to the "how" of this decision will be challenging, I'm sure, but more countries need to take a stand and get on board. Perhaps then, Oxford University won't have to choose such depressing words of the year in future.

I ended up writing nineteen blog posts this year. I can't tell you whether that was more or less what I expected, since I had no goals or expectations on that front. (I just knew the number wouldn't be anything close to fifty-two.) If the junk journal hadn't happened, I may not have posted until the summer. When I said last December that I might use the extra time on my hands to sew more, I couldn't have been more wrong!

The Sewing

The concept of "extra time" is relative when you don't actually have a fixed work schedule. As a retired person, whatever you need to do will always magically take up the amount of hours that you have.

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
Shedding life's complexities can be freeing...

The extent of my sewing for this past year was probably less than I had ever done in any of the dozen years leading up to 2024.

To summarize what I accomplished on that front, there were the small amounts of sewing relating to the junk journal (vinyl storage pocket, various ephemera — the cover was actually a late December 2023 project), modifying some tea towels for Mom, the new laptop case for hubby, two Passport & Travel Document Keepers for an SIL, "darning" some socks (and this was only hand sewing), the fabric "gingerbread" house, and three projects that will be the topics of posts for the first part of 2025.

The Surprises

As promised when I announced my break from blogging, I still "hung around" in 2024 to ensure that comments were responded to, that spam was fried, and that pattern sales were fulfilled. It's always a pleasant surprise to receive comments about posts from long ago. (The persistence of spam is not so much appreciated, but I wasn't inundated by them.)

Always one to dig into stats – I once pondered a career as a statistician, would you believe?? – I kept a close eye on popular posts and trending posts. Not that knowing what they are would drive me to change my blogging habits (although I might just summarize them next year in a blog post); it was just out of simple curiosity.

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
This was my most significant breakthrough of the year...
It surprised me when – essentially all year long – a post about how to fold a blanket into a cape has held its position at number one. (Since I'm writing this part one day before this post goes live, I'm sure that if you check out the left sidebar, that post will still be at the top of the "Most Popular" list.)

Really odd why that topic has been of such interest. Also surprising – given that it is a popular topic – is the fact that the post currently holds the number one position for the search term "how to fold a blanket into a poncho". (Apart from employing best practices from the get-go, I don't do a lot of tweaking with SEO.) Because I'm not actively looking to grow my blog's following, newbie visitors referred from online searches are always a welcome surprise.

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
My 2025 wish for you...

Further on the topic of new readers, I was surprised to gain a few more subscribers this year than I had any expectation to gain, given my reduced involvement. (It was probably enough to equal the number who bailed on me right after my announcement of "quitting" last December — LOL!)

As we close off the current year, let me leave you with three important questions. Are you keeping well? Are you staying smart? And are you still being kind?

eSheep Designs Jumbo Junk Journal Quotes 2024
Aldous Huxley and Paddington Bear have good ideas...

I sincerely hope so. 🤗

On that note, 'til 2025...

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