
Saturday, 22 April 2017

Taking Pride in Some Delightful P&P Projects

Jane Vivash tote bag made with eSheep Designs' P&P fabric
Lovely quilted tote bag made with my P&P fabric...
As a designer, the high moments come when someone actually makes something with a creation of yours.

Whether it's a set of instructions by way of a sewing tutorial or pattern, or a physical item like fabric, the fact of having created that tutorial, pattern or fabric really doesn't compare to the moment when you actually see what someone has made using it.

So it goes with my modestly successful Pride & Prejudice themed fabrics on Spoonflower.

This weekend is the second anniversary of my first sale of this fabric, so I thought to mark the date by sharing projects made by some talented crafters.

Back in January, Jane Vivash — in her words, living the life of the idle retired — messaged me via Spoonflower to show me some of her creations. She claims to love all things P&P and purchased my fabric to make a bag or two. One of them is the tote bag that you see at the top of this post. I love the quilting that she added.

Here are a few more of Jane's projects. This little clutch features the fabric as an accent on the flap.

Jane Vivash projects made with eSheep Designs' P&P fabric
image courtesy of Jane Vivash... 

Here is a second clutch, again using the fabric as an accent for the flap.

Jane Vivash projects made with eSheep Designs' P&P fabric
image courtesy of Jane Vivash...

Last but not least, isn't this the cutest eyeglass case ever?? (Jane, if you're reading this, what patterns — if any — did you use for your projects?)

Jane Vivash projects made with eSheep Designs' P&P fabric
image courtesy of Jane Vivash...

I'm also quite impressed with the coordinating fabrics for these projects. (Not to mention the heart-shaped hardware like the twist lock and magnetic snap!)

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Which brings me to another crafter and her P&P project: Pam's grocery bag.

Pride & Prejudice Shopping Bag crafted by Pam (Threading My Way)
Pam's shopping bag made with P&P fabric...

Once again, I was most impressed with the coordinating fabric that Pam chose for her project. I wonder if most of us have some striking black and white fabric in our stashes?

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While I'm at it, let's not forget about my first thrill seeing this fabric come to life: Wendy's fabulous prize-winning hat design. If you missed it the first time around, here's a reminder of how awesome it was!

Hat by Wendy Dudley; Pride & Prejudice fabric by eSheep Designs
Rear view of Wendy's prize-winning P&P themed hat...

Pride & Prejudice projects by eSheep Designs
Four of my P&P projects...
And of course, I've dabbled in my own P&P themed projects over the past couple of years... from a scarf, to a small purse, to a teeny tiny coin purse, to a kimono coverup and finally to a couple of throw pillows. (You can filter out all of those past posts by clicking here.)

I wear my scarf regularly and see the pillows on my sofa everyday. The kimono will be worn again once the warmer weather sets in. (If we ever get warmer... we're having a rather dismal April: there's snow in the forecast tonight.)

The two purses, admittedly, mostly hang from a hook in my sewing room. But at least they're not still pieces of fabric!

Speaking of fabric, you should check out Spoonflower's innovative new way of selling yardage. It's called Fill-A-Yard and it allows you to select two or more designs to form a yard of fabric in various layouts. For example, you can now make an infinity scarf out of two different fabric designs without buying two yards... how cool is that?


  1. I love Jane's second clutch with the floral fabric - co-ordinates beautifully with the dark P&P fabric. The varied projects really show just how striking the fabric looks when combined with different fabrics - can create totally different looks. Thanks for including my grocery bag.

  2. I'm thrilled to see my bags featured here! The 1st clutch was cobbled together by me after seeing a similar one constructed on a craft TV shopping channel. The 2nd clutch was made from a Debbie Shore bag template, as was the tote also from a Debbie Shore book.
    The glasses case pattern is brilliant. I've used it so much, and it was free! From Thread Riding Hood. There are many more great tutorials there as well! The link for the case is Hope it's okay to put a link here. Remove it if not allowed.

    1. The link is fine in the context of your reply, Jane. (And yes, the blogger's got some great content over there too.) Thanks for providing the additional info about your projects.

      For anyone interested in seeing more of Jane's work, I have a couple more projects attached to the gray P&P fabric in my Spoonflower shop.


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